These minimum netiquette standards are expected in all Loyola Law School online course-related communication. Please note that your professors may choose to have additional and higher communication expectations beyond the standards described below:
Follow standard communication rules
There are a number of conventions that are offensive or inappropriate in online communication. Avoid writing in ALL CAPS (this is considered yelling online), using text speak, slang, or curse words. It may not be appropriate to use emoticons or emojis, so check your context first.
Avoid sarcasm
Although a statement may seem funny to you, the reality is that sarcasm, especially in writing, can be extremely difficult to detect. Try to avoid sarcasm in your communication to prevent unnecessary misunderstandings and arguments.
Do a check before posting/sending
See if anyone has already asked a question and received a reply. Check the most recent comments on a post before replying to an older comment. Do a quick check of the FAQs or search the Internet to see if there may be an answer already provided for your question.
Respect other’s opinions
Remember, this does not mean that you have to agree with them. If you feel the need to disagree, do so respectfully and acknowledge the valid points in the other person’s argument. If you do choose to engage, make sure your answer is thoughtful, accurate, and respectful.
Be brief
Before writing a dissertation in response to someone’s question, consider if you can communicate your thoughts concisely to keep the discussion going and encourage others to chime in.
Be Forgiving
Mistakes will happen. Try to roll with it unless it is something egregious. If you feel that the mistake needs to be addressed, start by addressing it privately with your classmate or professor instead of shaming them publicly. “Do unto others…”