Follow the steps below to add LLS branded backgrounds to your Zoom meeting:
- Go to to find available LLS background to download to your Zoom account
- Find a background(s) you want to download, and click “View & Download from BOX“.

- You will be taken to BOX; click on “Download” (top-right corner of browser)

- The background will be downloaded to your browser’s download folder. On Google Chrome, it is a down-arrow icon at the top-right of the screen – click it and drag the background image to your Desktop (or any other place you want to save the image to). In the screen shot below, the background is titled “LLS_BHM Zoom 2”

- Add background(s) to Zoom. If you haven’t already done so, login to Zoom with your LLS credentials. (See for help). Once the Zoom app client is open, go to the settings gear icon (first screen shot below), then Background & Effects and the + to Add Image and add the background (wherever you previously saved it in step 4)

That’s it! You can also update your background during a running meeting by following step 5.
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